lawyers may also give taxation advice...
one general advantage of asking for taxtation advice from a lawyer is that such communications is protected under statute. no such privilige is given to accountants and their clients. most ppl who understand such a rule will go for a tax lawyer rather...
lol not once did i mention my own uni. there is no point. stop putting words into my mouth.
why cant i compare it to jakarta then if international unis can be compared like u said? the thread maker compared it to some french one...whats the difference? did the thread maker not overly...
university experience is probably different in other countries. why must he/she compare one with another when they are non comparable? why didn't he simply compare an african uni or the uni at jakarta? that would make uws seem kingshit. comparison of such a kind is useless, uninformative, and...
I work for Telstra Shop and the amount of people who want to repair they're liquid damaged phones is ridiculous. I'm not sure about an ipod but it is very easy for phone manufacturers to pick up water damage. We charge them $39.50 for labour if it voids warranty. :p
Apple charges by the...
Telstra Shop!!!
You'll have to meet set quotas on your sales targets though. Bit crap if everything is quite. You'll also be able to look up friend's accounts and delete/alter not that ur're suppose to..and u get staff price on certain plans and mobiles!
most of the retail sales...
For Centrelink, you must be earning $11000 or more in this financial year in order for them to do anything with your allownaces. The financial year is going to end soon so don't worry until next year because you won't be earning that much anyway.
EY are famous for lower starting salaries.
EY have a better (or more relaxed, IMO) culture.
KPMG are crazy workers IMO
KPMG has a better name
KPMG has a sexier starting salary.
EY has a personal chef. Nice finger food. They also have regular health checks...
i've only ever tried EY. i...