Search results

  1. Survivor39

    Likelihood of...

    Yes. So try to change your preferences and see what happens.
  2. Survivor39

    Turning up to 3rd year lectures.

    I'm sure it is fine. Lecturers don't take notice of individual students.
  3. Survivor39

    Life After the Bachelor of Science (Advanced/Normal)

    I know USyd has the UNSW equivalent of the UNSW Research Excellence Award worth 30K, which is 10K more than the APA. Not sure what the requirements are in Usyd though. You might want to consider that as well.
  4. Survivor39

    Reasons for taking advanced units

    I couldn't agree more.... I had the choice of choosing advanced microbial genetics or the normal one and I picked the normal one and ended up coming 2nd out of 80 students in the normal class....
  5. Survivor39

    Life After the Bachelor of Science (Advanced/Normal)

    Hey Templar, good luck with the APA application. We seriously need more research students in this country! Are you applying to UNSW or USyd?
  6. Survivor39

    Life After the Bachelor of Science (Advanced/Normal)

    Yes, most of the starting salaries are fall between $45,000 to $50,000 because you are fresh of out uni. Senior research assistant with 3-5 years of experience get paid as much as a junoir post-doc (someone fresh out of a PhD) - $65,000. Really senior RA and senior post-docs get up to $90,000...
  7. Survivor39

    Life After the Bachelor of Science (Advanced/Normal)

    Friend 1: B Adv Science (Hons I) - now a technician with Sigma Friend 2: B MedSc (Hon I) - now a research assistant at Centenary Research Institute Friend 3: B MedSc - now a part time research assistant, part time Masters by course work Friend 4: B MedSc (Hon I) - now a research assistant at...
  8. Survivor39


    To add a futher control, everyone must time from when the bus slam the door at Eddy Avenue, to when the bus open the door at the first stop of UNSW. Obviously it would take longer if you stop at the 2nd or 3rd stop of UNSW. :)
  9. Survivor39

    Medical science in uni?

    Good, nice to see someone going for MedSc because of interest. Have you been to any of the Open days? Why in particular have you decided to go for USyd?
  10. Survivor39

    State Ranking even if you are ranked second internally?

    Yes it is entirely possible. Last year, one school gained the top 4 State rankings in Society and Culture.
  11. Survivor39

    State Ranking even if you are ranked second internally?

    I think what they mean is they will use decimals in the averaged mark to determine the placing. Note that all HSC marks are reported as a whole number. The averaged mark from the exam and assessment mark (both of which may contain decimals) may contain decimals that are not reported to students.
  12. Survivor39

    B & T cells-interaction, mechanisms

    Yes, like what katie has said. Apoptosis is programmed, and therefore controlled and can be activated by extrinsic (external) or intrinsic (internal) signals. Apoptotic cells generally do not lyse but they fragment and degrade into small pieces. No inflammation is induced. Necrosis is cell...
  13. Survivor39

    Debate: Medical Sci degree---> Medicine

    Seriously you need a PhD before you start doing interesting stuff, like drug discovery. :D
  14. Survivor39

    B & T cells-interaction, mechanisms

    Well done for pointing that out! If you are interested, the entire process of Cytotoxic T cell killing is, as you would expect, much more complex but extremely interesting. In simple terms, the Cytotoxic T cells release not only perforin, but granzyme, onto the surface of the target cell via...
  15. Survivor39

    Debate: Medical Sci degree---> Medicine

    I couldn't have said it better than katie tully. Yes - why do you think MedSc has such a high UAI cut off compared with other science degree. However, it does provides a good background in the area of medical sciences, but that doesn't mean other science degrees are not as good for providing...
  16. Survivor39

    Do our external exam marks get moderated?

    Thank you for the correction, cem. Personally, I just think that the cut-offs should be made on the sole basis of the difficulty of the paper. This is why I thought the paper was judged by a panel before the HSC exam. By judging after the HSC exams, the determination of the cut-offs will...
  17. Survivor39

    Do our external exam marks get moderated?

    The correct term is "alignment" for external exam mark. "Moderation" is generally used in the context of "moderating" internal school assessment marks. Sorry, just want to clarify this before I begin my explanation. Yes your raw exam marks do get aligned. This is because the degree of...
  18. Survivor39

    Debate: Medical Sci degree---> Medicine

    But if this issue has been clarified so many times before why are you asking again?! No, MedSc does not give you a better chance of getting into medicine/dentistry. If working in a lab is considered "lousy" then please do not enrol in any sort of science degree. No, because you can...
  19. Survivor39

    Ranking effect???

    Yes, that's why I said "roughly" the second highest mark achieved by the cohort for a 2nd ranked student, which will depend on the gap from internal assessment marks between first and second, and second and third.
  20. Survivor39

    Ranking effect???

    In your case: Person in 1st position: External mark: 90; Moderated assessment mark = the highest external mark acheived by the cohort You in 2nd position: External mark 94; Moderated assessment mark = roughly the second highest external mark acheived by the cohort The average of the external...