Search results

  1. Survivor39

    prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least tw

    That's a strange task.. I think you can consider variation in different ways - genotypic variations and phenotypic variations. As to how you can perform a first hand investigation to examine this, it may be possible to describe the phenotypic variations for two species within a genus. For...
  2. Survivor39

    how hard is it to transfer to medicine?

    For UNSW, if you want to transfer into Medicine from any degree, the minimum UAI is 95 to be even considered for transfer. So I guess you probably need a High Distinction average as well.
  3. Survivor39

    transferring to medicine

    Apparently Usyd grad med doesn't really care about your undergrad WAM, as long as you have a degree. But I guess you would need to perform well both in the interview and GAMSAT.
  4. Survivor39

    GENM0518 request....

    I did that subject. It's not exactly a gen ed where you can "cruise through". You have one week of lecture, and within that week, you have to do a 1 hour presentation in a small group. We only found out that we have to do a presentation and the topic on monday. And presentation starts on a...
  5. Survivor39

    Medical Science @ UNSW

    No, Medical science at UNSW is not cancelled. That page was referred to mid-year entry. Med science does not usually admit mid-year students. However, B Science does. Oh by the way, you don't get to transfer into Medicine after two years of medical science. If you were offered a place, you...
  6. Survivor39

    unsw: Medsci to Medicine

    Advanced standing is also referred to as Credit Transfer, "Advanced Standing at Undergraduate level is recognition of prior study at a University or TAFE. At Postgraduate level it is recognition of prior postgraduate study in a university." from Well, if you think about it, 15...
  7. Survivor39

    Should i do Medical Science?

    All of those unis are good unis. I don't think it will make that much of a difference where you go. What's more important is what subjects you choose to take and what field of research you would like to get into for your Honours year.
  8. Survivor39

    Should i do Medical Science?

    Yes, but assuming you are a chief investigator, by which time you would be collaborating with other researchers in the hospital if you are really that interested in phrase 3 clinical trials.... and you won't be doing any more bench work anyway.
  9. Survivor39

    Should i do Medical Science?

    I completely agree with RogueAcademic. A medical science degree with Honours is more suitable for you, rather than a Med degree (you don't really do research in Med and you don't want to get stuck in uni for 6 years plus 3 for PhD). Then you go on to do a PhD - a PhD is a must. During your...
  10. Survivor39

    Medical Science ... which UNI ? =D

    Yep - Medical science or biomedical science is pretty much offered at any university. And yes, first year is quite boring, but you need the basics to go on. For me, I found biology useful because the fundamentals of the medical sciences are biology-related. However, some degrees require you...
  11. Survivor39


    No, you are not allowed to enrol in more than one program at one or more university.
  12. Survivor39


    Well, archaea is a group of extremely diverse and peculiar microorganisms, which are relatively less well-known compared to bacteria. Although they are single-celled, Archaea are actually more closely related to eukaryotes than to bacteria. Archaea can be found in extreme conditions such as...
  13. Survivor39

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I 100% agree. Once I saw them using their hands to pick up some guy's pie and put it in a bag...
  14. Survivor39

    results in half yearlys

    Well done to everyone who did well! Keep up the good work. The HSC exams are only weeks away.
  15. Survivor39

    ESL story narrative

    Great explanations celery!
  16. Survivor39

    Interesting Science Subject In Semester 2

    Isn't it BIOC2101? I thought 2201 is the molecular biology version in second sem?? Anyway, second year biochem is crap. I never liked it. Don't worry, Molecular biology gets much better. You actually learn usueful stuff, unlike memorising metabolic pathways. Apparently third year biochem...
  17. Survivor39


    There are a number of factors that results in a shortage of scientists. Here are just a few: - Graduates from a Bachelor's degree is not often sufficient to get a job. The best you'll end up is being a research assistant. To actually carry out your own research project, the minimum reuirement...
  18. Survivor39

    Average WAM to aim for!!

    There really isn't any publisghed data for this kind of information, unfortunately.
  19. Survivor39

    S+C and Maths HSC-Exam on SAME DAY

    wow.. that's really bad timetabling. I think we always complained about how S&C exams were always on the last few days of the exam period so BOS must have thought "hmm, let's bring the S&C exam forward this year.." Oh well, at least you can start holidaying sooner than previous S&C students...
  20. Survivor39

    Interesting Science Subject In Semester 2

    I heard Pharmacology subjects are pretty bludgey. One of my friends did it and half of the lab times are free-times (catch-up times and self-pace exercises). Anyway, but I've never did any myself.