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  1. braindrainedAsh

    Applications to UK universities

    The living expenses are way more expensive living in London than in Sydney, there is no way studying in London would be at a similar expense to studying in Sydney... I was told it would cost me about $12000 Australian dollars just to live in London for 6 months while I was on exchange, and from...
  2. braindrainedAsh

    UTS ADVISORY DAY 2006 - so you going?

    The advisory day is good if you still have questions, particularly if you are worried about not getting in to your dream course or whatever after you get the marks.
  3. braindrainedAsh

    Does UTS have hoodies or Jerseys?

    I remember they had cool tops at info day once with the "think change do" slogan, and they were chocolate brown... they should have sold those ones, they were really cool, unlike the boring ones in the union shop.
  4. braindrainedAsh

    Retail For Life???

    If it's what you want to do, chase it. You never know where it might lead you. But my one piece of advice would be don't work for your parents forever, get out and see new and different things, maybe work at other furniture places to see how different businesses do things. If you just...
  5. braindrainedAsh

    be a mod and get paid!!!

    I went to an interview for this job months ago when it was advertised before, and the whole way through they led me on as if I was going to get it, were talking about how my experience would be great yadda yadda.... and then they never contacted me. How annoying. Plus the place was a bitch to...
  6. braindrainedAsh

    What happens in the first few weeks/months at uni?

    I wouldn't use the word cliques to describe groups of friends, not at my uni at least... cliques sort of implies some sort of exclusion, but I have found in my degree people have their strong groups of friends but a lot of people are really outgoing and friendly and you get to know a lot of...
  7. braindrainedAsh

    Media and Communications degrees

    I don't know if the subjects they do at uts would be counted as literature studies. The courses at UTS are very hands on and practical, that is what makes them different and so popular.
  8. braindrainedAsh

    It's a waste: seawater not the solution

    I would drink recycled water. People need to get over this "ewww recycled water". When I did chemistry and we toured the water works and sewrage processing place they told us that the recycled water going back in to the river was just as clean as the water we drink from the tap, and it...
  9. braindrainedAsh

    Bye bye UTS

    Hey when do results come out?
  10. braindrainedAsh

    Best cash in hand jobs

    Tutoring is alright.
  11. braindrainedAsh

    Push for Graduate School Universities

    This would suck for many people. Many people go to uni to get what many regard as "vocational" education in fields like health science etc.... but it's also one of those "more information needed" cases at the moment when it comes to this debate. I have friends currently studying Occupational...
  12. braindrainedAsh

    HSC or VCE?

    I'm from the border and I think the VCE is easier... perhaps easier isn't the best word, fairer might be a better explanation. It doesn't seem to rely so much on school rankings and the like blah blah. Also any friends I have had who moved to Victoria said school is easier there. A friend...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    Hong Kong

    I'm not going via Hong Kong now, had to change my flight to a day later :( so now I don't have a stopover. Kind of a bummer because Honkers sounds pretty cool. Oh well, I will see it later.
  14. braindrainedAsh

    Bye bye UTS

    Congrats! Another year for me... another two years probably because I am thinking about doing honours.
  15. braindrainedAsh

    payg statements

    I have to pay tax at the end of the year... I have to put it aside myself :(
  16. braindrainedAsh

    payg statements

    I think that's right... I'm a sole trader for the freelance writing I do and I don't do PAYG.
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Hong Kong

    Oh I am getting so excited now.... yay!!! I'm not staying anywhere though, just going to check out the city all day, then come back to the airport, maybe catch a nap if I have time, then jump on my plane to London... it's a 13 hour flight from HK to London, I can sleep during that...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    subject problems

    Yeah you can do it like that. My degree in second year was first semester third year compulsory disciplinary subject second year compulsory disciplinary subject journalism subject second semester journalism subject elective second year disciplinary subject that means next...
  19. braindrainedAsh

    subject problems

    You can do more than one writing subject in a semester, as long as one isn't a prereq for another.... you can basically mix up your degree in any order as long as you have done prereqs for the subjects you want to do. You don't have to follow the degree planner to the t... maybe if you did two...
  20. braindrainedAsh

    subject problems

    What subjects are you doing? Have you tried changing the semesters around if they are offered in both semesters? That is pretty crap if they are all on one day... maybe if enough people whinge about it they might change it? Maybe you should have a whinge to someone about it.