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  1. D

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: Trial exams.... They split them for my trials.. we have Paper 1 on Monday, then on Tuesday are other exams, Paper 2 on Wednesday. --- I reckon trials are good.. they're a big wake up call for many HSC students...
  2. D

    anyone burnt out?

    lol I'm the same... ---- I dunno, lately i've been feeling more motivated to study, knowing that going that extra mile now and putting in my best effort will be very rewarding once the HSC comes around.. I think I made a wise decision in not studying intensely during the holidays, otherwise...
  3. D

    What will your UAC preferences be??

    How about B.Science or B.Science (Adv) majoring in Pharmacology?
  4. D

    What will your UAC preferences be??

    What should I consider as alternative courses that are compatible with Pharmacy - i.e. A course from which I would be able to transfer to BPharm @ USyd if I don't get offered a place..
  5. D

    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    UAC Pin is used for accessing your UAC Application and viewing your UAI and course offers - i.e. all online UAC applicant services. BOS Pin is used to access StudentsOnline and also your HSC Results online, when they are released on 17 Dec.
  6. D

    What will your UAC preferences be??

    1. B Pharmacy @ USyd 2. B Science (Advanced) @ USyd 3. B Science (Advanced) @ UNSW 4. B Medical Science @ USyd 5. B Medical Science @ UNSW 6. B Science @ USyd ....SO FAR I'm in a dilemma over my alternative preferences to BPharm. If I want to do BPharm @ USyd, and don't get offered a...
  7. D

    Uac Pin

    lol I get my UAI on my birthday... :hammer: got my UAC PIN in the mail today.
  8. D

    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    gahh am I the only one who didn't receive their UAC Pin in the mail today?
  9. D

    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    Hmm.. UAC Pin for Year 12 Applications is not Birth date after all.. Will give UAC a call tomorrow to ask about UAC Pin...
  10. D

    How much does your school rank affect your UAI?

    The only thing that advantages high ranking schools is the moderation process. High ranked schools will have a large batch of marks skewed to band5+6, meaning even if you're ranked in top 20, you are pretty much secured a good HSC Mark, since your rank will allocate you a band 5 or 6 assessment...
  11. D

    How many people are there in your classes?

    English Adv - 9 Economics - 10 Chemistry - 7 Biology - 5 Maths - 17 Maths Ext 1 - 7 IPT - 17
  12. D

    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    Re: UAC APPLICATIONS OPEN (2009 Entry) Yeah they were released a few weeks back.
  13. D

    UAC APPLICATIONS (2009 Entry)

    Re: UAC APPLICATIONS OPEN (2009 Entry) When I go to apply, I get a pop-up window saying Sorry, Apply-by-web is not available at the moment, please try later. Is this happening to others as well?
  14. D

    who has received their UAC pin number

    Maybe your thinking of the Students Online PIN? It's different from the UAC PIN and number... UAC Number: BOS Student Number with a "1" attached on the end. UAC PIN: Your birthday: eg. 25 August = 2508 So basically, as soon as Apply-by-web opens, we'll be able to log in immediately. Now...
  15. D

    who has received their UAC pin number

    Did you receive it as a letter from UAC, or Board of Studies?
  16. D

    time till trials

    Same here.. 18th August - 29th August
  17. D

    Anyone still have more Assessment Tasks to go?

    I'm curious to know.. at your school do you hand in English Assessments? Or do you complete them in-class under a set time and exam conditions? Our English Adv class has never had one hand-in assessment - all are in-class and under exam conditions. Im interested to know whether the same...
  18. D

    Anyone still have more Assessment Tasks to go?

    After the trials, does anyone still have assessment tasks in any of their subjects? English crammed our last assessment 3 weeks after our last one, to be on the last school day before trials start... :burn: Apparently it was due to English faculty "tradition", they never push assessment tasks...
  19. D

    Do we get our trials back?

    Most likely... at least at my school they give them back. Seeing where you stuffed up (if you did) guides you on what needs revising for HSC Exam, so giving back trial papers would be a wise thing.