my brother is a pilot, just flying small planes atm, but plans to fly 747s and such in the future. he didn't go to uni, but went to basair, a flight college in bankstown. he then got a job with them as an instructor, and just got a new job in cairns
If I was in your situation, I'd find out which second semester subjects you can get exemptions for, and do 4 of them if you're confident you can keep your GPA at about credit level. If you're not confident, just do 3 of them and you'll get in based on UAI
Re: McDonalds :(
Yeah basically the only reason people get fired is from really fucking up, or repeatedly not turning up to shifts. But they can just stop rostering you
It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me, and I think that’s pretty important
- Martin Luther King Jr.
They say hard work never hurt anybody, but why take the chance?
-Edgar Bergen
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound...
Managing People Organisations 75 D Distinction 6
Accounting for Business 85 H High Distinction 6
Marketing Foundations 67 C Credit 6
Economics for Business 89 H High Distinction 6
I'm happy with all those. Heaps surprised with accounting, I was expecting 70 max