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  1. P

    "VSU Kills Queers" Shirts

    There is no "official" VSU kills queers t-shirt. But they do exist, and they're prepared right there in the SRC. Also, there are banners.
  2. P

    Number of offers anybody received

    I got two offers, the first being the one I eventually accepted. My transcript lists no less than four separate degrees: Bachelor of Music (Performance) (Clerical Error) Bachelor of Music (Composition) (former degree) Bachelor of Arts Informatics (Refused Offer) Bachelor of Arts and...
  3. P

    "VSU Kills Queers" Shirts

    My guess is that they'll become more militant.
  4. P

    "VSU Kills Queers" Shirts

    Who do you think MAKES the VSU kills Queers t-shirt?
  5. P

    "VSU Kills Queers" Shirts

    From the USYD SRC, among other places.
  6. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    Of course, I then went on in another essay (and in class discussions) to illustrate how my theory that gender is Not the construct of society, can then be used to discredit the basic philosophies that underpin all feminist doctrine.
  7. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    No. My main HDD crashed, taking with it my Iron Chef episodes, my music (including my irreplaceable master copies of my Original compositions), and a whole heap of university essays. What I proposed was that the concept of gender as a social construct faced several fundamental flaws, as...
  8. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    Fine. I disproved the concept of Gender as a Social Construct.
  9. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    Pretty much.
  10. P

    University of Sydney Information Day 2006

    I'm going to be there only if it's cool, because I need to get some information about my enrolment. I might even put up some ISA flyers.
  11. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    I did it because I have substantial experience in the field of Gender studies from my work with organisations such as the MHIRC, MND and Dads on the Air (among others). For me to write about Gender issues, I felt that I had to understand more than just my own side of the argument, so I chose to...
  12. P

    Which University?

    Each university has its own strengths and failings. UWS, for example, is a good university with a bad reputation because it's in the western suburbs. In contrast, USYD is a good uni with a reputation far beyond what it deserves because of the prestige associated with its name.
  13. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    I think the fact that I completely disproved feminism in a single essay got me on the wrong side of the Gender Studies department. But personally, I couldn't take any more after they glorified Tracey Moffatt's bullshit. Displaying male nudity on the screen in the Eastern Avenue Auditorium was...
  14. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    I can fulfill the 1000-level subject requirement in a semester. I was planning to do GOVT1101 Australian Politics, and GOVT1105 Geopolitics this semester.
  15. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    It's gotta be better than Gender Studies. Gender Studies was traumatic :(
  16. P

    piano performance (-o'.')-o

    Around the 1720's, but that's besides the point. Baroque music wasn't designed just for play in a particular setting with particular instruments. It was designed to be interpreted for the performer's own considerations, including instrumentation, expression, and styles appropriate for certain...
  17. P

    Guitarists that can play AND sing at the same time

    It seems a bit pointless to me, considering that when playing and singing, the performer's attention is not completely on one or the other. That can only be to the detriment of the performance, in my belief.
  18. P

    BABMusStudies - GOVT major

    For my IV and V years, I am considering taking Government as my second Arts major (my third all up). So has anybody got any insights into the courses and such that I might find useful?
  19. P

    SCA or UOW

    SCA has a better reputation. And the smaller campus can foster a sense of community that the bigger campuses don't have. That said, SCA is part of the University of Sydney, and you'll probably have to travel to the main campus quite a bit so you'll experience that too.
  20. P

    heeeelppp mee!!!

    Some of the best journalists around are people who didn't study media at university. Certainly, some of the best student articles I've read have been from students in faculties as far removed from Media and Communications as possible.